Very resistant evergreen shrub, densely and irregularly branched, with very narrow, pointed, prickly leaves. The fruit is, in the first year, a green ovoid berry, and in the second when ripe, a black-brown and round berry covered with blue ash. It has a characteristic resinous and aromatic smell and a bitter-sweet taste. The flowers are small and are located in the axils of the leaves. Juniper is a dioecious plant, so there are only male or only female flowers on a particular plant.
It is used for disinfection of the urinary tract, regulates the work of kidneys and digestive organs. It has a bactericidal effect and is used in treatig infectious lung diseases. Juniper essential oil, in small doses, facilitates coughing. The oil is also used in rheumatic diseases, especially joints, since it penetrates deep into the skin. Juniper should be used with caution as excessive use can cause kidney damage.